Monday, June 15, 2009


3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
10 Man Makers
20 Sit Ups

Post times to comments.

“Mental toughness is not being affected by anything but what’s going on in the game or competition no matter what coaches, other players, or refs are doing. It’s being able to block out what’s not important.”
– Jenny Brenden, Women’s Basketball


  1. The run & sit-ups were just a break from the man Makers, Ouch!!!!


  2. Hosea, this is Dave M:

    As requested, the results of my overhead squat work:

    Overhead squats:
    Warmup then
    1x3 135
    1x3 155
    1x3 165
    1xfail 175
    1x1, then fail, 175

    All reps done in a power cage.

    So, my 1RM overhead squat is 175. Body weight 185. No BW overhead squat . . . yet.

    I was going nice and slow and was having a hard time maintaining stability in my torso at the bottom. Definitely challenging. These will need to be worked on for me to really feel confident with the heavier weight. Fun stuff!

  3. After completing this workout yesterday, I'd like to vote that we rename Man Makers to Man/Woman Makers because the ladies rocked it :)
