Tuesday, June 30, 2009


We are open!!!! Now it is time to get back into it.

The location is off of Long Point Rd. Go towards the terminals and you will see Wando Park Blvd at the second stop light.
Pull into the first set of shops on the left. We are in Ste. 103.

Our phone is down until Comcast decides to be nice and come out to hook it up.

Also we will be doing classes on the half hour from now on. You can still show up whenever you like but we are going to be a little more diligent with class times.


"Move for time"
Run w/ Dumbells around the warehouse.
10 Burpees
10 Push Press 95/65
10 Deadlift 95/65

3 rounds for time.

Post times and weights to comments.

We will be closed Friday afternoon and Saturday for the holiday.


  1. 14:08 with 25#dumbbell and 63# PP and DL. Great workout in the new place!!
    Cris M

  2. 13:11 as Rx'd w/ 55# DB

    My grip hurts.
