Thursday, July 9, 2009


Suicide Sprint
10 Squats
20 Push Ups

5 Rounds for time.

Post times to comments.


  1. 6:22 as rx'd

    Thanks to the other 7 people for helping to push me faster on this one!

    Lowcountry Crossfit Mt. Pleasant, Charleston SC

  2. Anyone interested in joining me for my own version of the games tomorrow, here is the schedule:
    Start time is 7:30am
    1) 2 mile run with 45lb (40 min allotment)

    2) Randy (75 snatches with 75lb)
    -starts at 9:15

    Rest and then at noon start the following:

    (1 hour to 1.5 hour rest)

    3) 2 35lb sandbags for 100 meter sprint

    4) 21-15-9


    -21 deadlift (225) -> HSPU (hand stand push up)
    -15 135lb Cleans and then ring dips
    -9 95lb thruster -> pull ups

    This last WOD starts at 1:30pm

    Shoot me an e-mail if your interested in meeting up for all or any of these as I would love some people to help push me even harder.
